IPhone – How to record camera with sound from external source on an iPhone 7


Pretty much what I'm trying to do. I want to record the camera's picture but the sound shouldn't come from the microphone directly but via an external audio signal.

What are my options?

I have either an analog audio signal via a jack cable or using a Windows laptop on the other hand.

The problem is: even though AirServer works on Windows and thus I can see my iPhone's picture on it I can't record audio with it from the PC nor record fullscreen video.

I see that the only way to do this is to buy a Mac and use Quicktime?

What about analog audio to USB going directly into the iPhone, would that work?

Obviously I could edit the two together (video and sound) but I don't want to do that if I can avoid it.


Best Answer

There are a whole heap of external microphones you can use with the iPhone 7.

Use the included adapter

Firstly, the most basic option, is to simply use the Lightning Port > 3.5mm adapter that comes with the phone. This adapter supports Tip Run Ring Sleeve (TRRS), so you could just plug in an external microphone into the iPhone 7 that way (i.e. an external microphone that supports the TRRS plug).

Lightning port microphones

However, if you're looking for a more dedicated solution without an extra adapter in the way, you do have a number of options available if you want to connect directly via the Lightning port. Below are some options for you (ranging in quality, price and features):

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with any of the above products.