IPhone – How to organize/receive emails on one account while sending from another


I have had a Yahoo account for a number of years and recently got a Gmail account. Since my Yahoo account has all my emails since forever saved into folders that are helpful for me to keep organized, I have set up my Gmail to forward all emails Gmail receives to my Yahoo account, so that I can continue to use the Yahoo system while giving people my new Gmail address.

So, in my Mail app I use Yahoo. But I would like the emails that I send to appear as being sent from my Gmail address.

I have tried adding the Gmail account and then setting Gmail as the default account. That didn't work. I have also tried clicking on Yahoo in the settings and then going to the outgoing server setting and entering in smtp.gmail.com. That didn't work either. I also tried deleting my Yahoo account and re-adding it, in case the order that the accounts were added had anything to do with it.

Any advice on how I can continue to use Yahoo to organize my emails, but have them send AUTOMATICALLY from my Gmail address?

Thank you very much! 🙂

Best Answer

If you want all email send from one account (i.e. gmail) you can set that up in Mail preferences.

Open Mail Preferences then select Composing:


Now select your gmail in the "send new messages from:"

Obviously in Mail you will need Yahoo and Gmail accounts.

Alternatively you can use the "Reply to" in Mail app.

For that Start a new mail and go View - "Reply to Address Field" or simply use shortcut alt+cmd+R. Then enter your reply to address. Now when you send new emails or you reply to emails it will use the selected email.

reply to

The third option: if you are really serious with that, you can use the Terminal app located in your Utility folder.

Type "defaults write com.apple.mail UserHeaders '{"Reply-To" = "reply-to@address"; }'" (excluding the outermost quotation marks) and replace reply-to@address with the address you want to be used for replies.

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