IPhone – How to make the Garage Band ’11 ringtone louder


I created a ringtone using Garage Band '11 and my bass directly inputted to my MAC. I was able to create the ringtone I wanted, and selected the 30 second loop, however the volume is really low. I've tried bumping up the volume on both the track and the monitor locations but still way lower than, say a purchased ringtone.

Anyone know of a place I may be overlooking?


I adjusted the settings in preferences under Audio/MIDIAudio/Midi settings window

And I also unchecked Export Projects at Full Loudness just to see if there was any difference in the output. But it sounded identical to the previous export:
Advanced Settings

Best Answer

I found a solution that works for me. Thanks to bmike for pointing me in the right direction. What I used was the Visual EQ to bump up the Output level of my master track. The Visual EQ is found under Master Effects of the Master Track window:

Visual EQ is found under Master Effects

I adjusted to taste and boom! I've got a much better volume level for my ringtone.

Visual EQ window