IPhone – How to edit ‘iTunes Movie’ to be visible on iPhone’s iMovie


Videos that I've shot with my iPhone and are in my videos folder show up just fine on iMovie for iPhone as "addable media".

BUT I recently had a professionally designed short "intro" video for my videos that I want to use as a lead-in to my iMovie for iPhone projects. And that intro video does NOT show up my videos folder on iPhone when I transfer it into my iPhone.

Instead, that intro video seems to be somehow classified as a "movie" in iTunes on the iPhone, which can't be imported into iMovie. Any fixes here? A way to somehow get that intro video into the videos folder on the iPhone, or be able to add media from my iTunes movie folder into iMovie for iPhone?

Best Answer

Yes. You will need to use iTunes to sync the intro video over to your iPhone.

  1. Connect your iPhone to iTunes and select it.
  2. Click the "Apps" tab, and scroll down to "File Sharing".
  3. Select iMovie from the list.
  4. Select "Add..." from the lower right corner.
  5. Browse your documents to find the intro video and open it.
  6. Sync it over to your iPhone.
  7. iMovie should recognize is as soon as the sync is completed and you should be able to use it normally.