IPhone – How does autorotation work on the iPhone (in terms of hardware, not software)


I have always wondered how the orientation/autorotation hardware works inside an iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch.

Originally I thought it was the accelerometer but I don't think it is as an accelerometer can only measure movement and the iPhone knows it's current orientation without any movement.

I have assumed until now that there is a little tilt switch inside the phone as well as the accelerometer and that this is used, but really I have no idea and Google isn't helping much! 😉

Anyone know how it works?

Best Answer

In the older iOS devices it's the accelerometer - it is detecting the constant acceleration due to gravity.

Normal motion produces only short bursts of acceleration, not long enough to trigger rotation.

If you put your iOS device in a fast car and accelerated it for several seconds you could probably get it to autorotate the wrong way.