IPhone – Health data keeps disappearing without reason


I'm using an iPhone 5 (running iOS 8.3) and update my health data manually with 'add data' feature. However in some mornings when I open health application, all data seems missing. Charts, dashboard settings, everything. Like I opened for the first time. If I reset or restart my phone, data comes back.

Has anyone experienced this? If yes, is there a solution to keep it from happening?

Update: I didn't restart my phone intentionally and my dashboard is still empty.

Update 2: Issue is not happening for some time now. May close the question with some answer soon.

Update 3: Still present with iOS 9.0.1 upto some extent. I'm starting to think it's a bug and slowly being ironed out.

Update 4: Still happens with iOS 9.1, however less frequently. Let's wait and see what iOS 9.2 brings.

Best Answer

Give it an hour then open it again.
For some reason, it can take a long time to catch up.

Don't try to force it - I did that once in the early days & lost about 3 weeks of data - which replaced itself with a marathon 79,000 steps in one day, then 20 days of no info.

I've noticed it is a lot better since iOS 8.3, in fact, I'd forgotten it used to do it until your post reminded me.