iPhone Repair – How to Fix Separated iPhone 6 Screen


I was traveling by air very recently, and once I got home I noticed that the button on my iPhone 6 seemed to be more deeply recessed. After a while I realized that this did not make any sense mechanically, so I removed the Rhinoshield phone protector and discovered that the screen of my phone was slightly pulled off!

How this happened I do not know, but phone is old and the battery is going downhill these days fairly quickly. It was also opened several years ago for a screen repair, so I supposed it might have somehow spontaneously popped open.

Is there any way that I can try to close this back up myself?

Could battery swelling have caused this, in which case I shouldn't try?

The poor quality photos are from my laptop. I have turned off the power of the phone right now for safety reasons.

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Yes, the swollen battery could have pushed the display outwards (the battery is just beneath the display)

I would replace the battery with this guide:
