IPhone does not show up on iPhoto anymore

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Since the update to iOS5 my iPhone 3GS does not show up as a device on iPhoto anymore. Before that, iPhoto was working without any hitch. I'm currently using the following:

  • MacBook Pro 2.4 GHz Intel Core i5, 4 GB, Mac OS X 10.7.2
  • iPhoto '09 Version 8.1.2 (424)
  • iPhone 3GS, with IOS 5
  • iTunes 10.5 (141) 64-bit

Is there some way to recover so that I can import photos on iPhoto again, or is the software not compatible anymore?

Best Answer

Hmm... Apparently, restarting the computer (with the applications not reopening) seemed to get iPhoto to work again.

I hope there are other ways of doing this.