IPhone Cable or Accessory Not Certified


This isn't a coding question, but it is an issue that affects my ability to develop iPhone apps. Beginning this morning, I began seeing the message "The cable or accessory is not certified and may not work reliably with this iPhone" whenever I plug in my iPhone 5's cable. I'm running iOS 7.0.4.

(This is the cable that came in the box with the phone, and I get the same message when I use the cable that came with my iPad.)

The phone will still charge (as long as I have the correct side of the jack "up"; it previously didn't matter which side was "up"). But Xcode no longer recognizes the device, meaning I can't test with it. (iTunes doesn't recognize it either.)

Does anyone know what causes this issue and how to fix it? I didn't have this problem yesterday and have made no deliberate updates to the phone recently. And as I said, I'm using cables that were shipped boxed with Apple devices.

Best Answer

As you can see in several threads like the one pointed by @Ohnomycoco, this is not a software problem but a hardware problem.

Lighting a "smart" connector with a microchip build-in the cables head. It's most likely due to a damage cable, so you'll have to replace it.

Also - be sure to test since in many cases it's the iOS device that needs repair and not the cable: