IPhone – Backup of iPhone


I have two iPhones, when I back up one of them I have multiple dates of files when this as done. When I back up the other one there is only one file and that is the last date backed up, it appears to write over the same file, how I get back to another backup up file?

Best Answer

By default iTunes doesn't work in the way you're expecting, and with good reason. iOS backups take quite a bit of space and most users would run our of storage space pretty quickly if each iOS backup was being kept (especially with multiple iOS devices).

While you can get around this default behaviour, it's quite a manual process and would require doing it each time you backup your iPhone.

As for your statement:

I have two iPhones, when I back up one of them I have multiple dates of files when this as done.

It's not clear exactly what is happening and how, but your best bet is to make sure you have a backup regime in place. Assuming you're on a Mac, then using Time Machine is a good example of this (but there are many options available - both for Mac and PC).

Once you have a backup regime in place, your backups will include your iPhone backups as well (unless you've specifically excluded them). In this way, if/when you need to go back to an older iPhone backup, you can.