IPhone – AppleCare – Can I Cancel The Monthly Plan After Doing a Repair


If I get AppleCare today and pay $7.99 a month for coverage on my iPhone and then do a screen replacement next month, would I then be able to cancel the monthly subscription the month afterwards?

I know that with the $149 upfront plan, you won’t get a refund for discounts / services you’ve already received. Would the scenario I described above be allowed?

Best Answer

Most products are covered by AppleCare+ these days, so you would need to read the terms and conditions for your specific region where you purchased it to be sure.

In the US you can cancel the monthly iPhone (and most other iOS/watchOS product) plan at any time for any reason.

8.2 Monthly Pay Plans

You may cancel this Plan at any time for any reason.

It then spells out the details on how to cancel and what happens when you do.