IPhone app to show me the locations database


It seems that Apple stores GPS information (or GPS information of hot spots) in the iPhone/iPad, and a hacker invented a tool to show the info on Mac. I think this is a pretty useful feature for automatically recording what I've been visiting.

Are there any apps for iPad/iPhone to track my GPS info so that I can extract the data to display on Mac later?

Best Answer

I'm afraid that, without a jailbreak, you won't find any apps that do this for you using your 'locations database' (the "tracking" you're talking about). There are two main reasons:

1: According to Apple, the file is protected. Besides, apps don't get access to system files anyway.

2: Such an app would probably scare some people, and Apple would never allow it on the App store.

Maybe we'll see some apps for jailbroken phones, but I wouldn't expect anything to come to the standard App Store.