IPhone – AirDrop iphone to MacBook

airdropiphonemacbook pro

At work I airdrop files with coworkers all the time but I often need to move photos from my iphone 5 to my laptop but I can't figure out how.

If I select the images and open the send page which lists options to send my text, email, Facebook, etc. it lists airdrop above all the other options but it doesn't seem to be clickable.

I have airdrop open on my mac.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Quote from Apple page http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5887?viewlocale=en_US&locale=en_US

You can't use AirDrop on iOS to share with OS X users, and OS X users can't use AirDrop to share with iOS devices.

Airdrop between iOS and OS X will be available from iOS8 and Yosemite.