IPhone 7 not being recognized by computer


I have an iPhone 7. My screen broke so I got it replaced. It went underwater and then the home button started vibrating when I pressed it. The screen flickered in and out. The next day I could press the home button and it would vibrate but the screen was completely off. I plugged it into my computer and iTunes recognized it but I couldn't type in my passcode.

How can I get a backup of my phone?

Best Answer

If you have a wired lightning keyboard, you can connect it to your iPhone, press the home button twice with 1 second delay to bring up the password screen, type in your password and press Enter. Your phone should unlock and you should be able to back it up. If you didn't sync it with the current computer before, your phone will ask you if you want to trust the current computer. You might be able to use the Tab key or the arrow keys to navigate between yes and no buttons and then press Enter to allow the computer to sync your iPhone (not tested).