IPhone 4s is giving me trouble, can someone help me troubleshoot


I thought my Hotmail account that I use my for my Apple ID was deleted but it was not. In the mean time I created a new Apple ID using the wrong e-mail. I never verified the new e-mail but its popping up on my iPhone everytime I try to update certain apps, even when I go to my SoundCloud I can't seem to find the fake e-mail. However it pops up when I try to update certain apps, what can I do to resolve this issue?

Best Answer

You have two different issues:

For the Hotmail issue:

  1. Since we don't want to use this account and use the new one, they are still registered with the old Apple ID. To get them with the new Apple ID, you will need to delete the app and redownload the app with the new Apple ID

For the wrong email entered issue:

  1. Go to appleid.apple.com
  2. Choose manage my account
  3. Sign in with the email as it was typed in incorrectly
  4. It will say it is not verified and will give you an edit option on the side of the email address
  5. Type in the correct email
  6. Verify your account for the new Apple ID

I would correct the issue with the new Apple ID first. Then:

  1. Go to Settings> iTunes and App Store option.
  2. Tap on the Apple ID logged in
  3. Choose sign out
  4. Sign in with the corrected Apple ID

Then delete the apps and redownload with the new Apple ID