IPhone 4 camera capabilities to read QR code


I have no iPhone 4 here now but I need to know how well is its camera for reading small-size QR codes. Now I have some test QR codes printed on a sheet of paper and my old 1.3MPx smartphone camera doesn't recognize them. So, I wonder how good is iPhone 5MPx camera for doing that. The code I need to be read well from a printed sheet is 16x16mm or so. The size of a single square module is about half of a millimeter now. Please let me know if you have a chance to test it or if you had a deal with such things. Thanks!

Best Answer

I use the RedLaser app on my iPhone 3GS and it can handle just about every QR code that I've thrown at it. I would venture to say it would work even better with the higher resolution camera and enhanced image processing in the iPhone 4. Good lighting is probably going to be key.