IPad – What’s the best way to place 4 pictures on a A4 sheet using the mac


What's the best way to place 4 pictures on a A4 sheet using the mac ? (or iPad / iPhone) ?
I need to create a pdf.

iPhoto seems not to have such functionality.
I would like to know if there is an easy way, before to use Photoshoot and manually resize them…


Best Answer

You can do this using Preview. Here's how I do it (on Lion, but I'm pretty sure it was much the same on Snow Leopard).

  1. Select the 4 images in Finder
  2. Open with Preview
  3. Select the 4 images in the Preview sidebar
  4. From the menubar, select File > Print...
  5. Change the dropdown half-way down the page to "Layout"

enter image description here

  1. Change "Pages per sheet" to 4 (you should now see the 4 images together on the single sheet on the left)

enter image description here

  1. Select "Save as PDF..." from the PDF dropdown in the bottom left

enter image description here

You can also customise the paper type, layout direction and approximate scale of each picture to whatever suits best.