IPad – Remote control an iPad to start app and activate Guided Access


First I need to mention, that I'm not enrolled in the Apple Developer Program but willing to do so, if it would solve my use case.

We administrate several iPads in a museum. All iPads are hooked up in a stand and running the museum app (basically a website on a local server als Homescreen-App in Guided Access).

We are looking now for a way to restart the app and start the guided access without driving to the museum.
Is there a way to do this, without jailbreaking the iPads?

Best Answer

The most appropriate way for you to do this would be to migrate your museum application from a locally hosted website into it's own application.

Doing this will then allow you to launch the iPads into Single Application mode, whereas in the current configuration you'd be able to set Single Application mode to safari, but not then restrict safari to only your local website.