IPad mini offers update to iOS 6.0.2 that won’t install


An update to iOS 6.0.2 did not seem so important at the time and so it was never installed. Now that iOS 6.1 is out I'd expect that Software Update skips the update to iOS 6.0.2 and directly provides me with the ability to update from iOS 6.0.1 to iOS 6.1 instead.

And yet, Software Update is stuck with the intention to update to iOS 6.0.2. In the hope that after iOS 6.0.2 was successfully installed Software Update may offer to install iOS 6.1 next I accepted the update to iOS 6.0.2.

However, the next thing is that Software Update claims that the installation of iOS 6.0.2 cannot be started because there is no connection to the Internet. I positively verified that the connection is possible; so the most likely explanation is that Software Update is not able to find the update to iOS 6.0.2 any longer and concludes that this is caused by a lack of connectivity.

How can I make Software Update ignore the pending update to iOS 6.0.2 and head for iOS 6.1 instead?

Best Answer

Since things aren't working as expected, make a backup - perhaps two, one to iTunes and another to iCloud.

Connect the device to iTunes and let iTunes download the entire 6.1 update rather than monkeying with a pair of delta patches that iOS downloads to save space on the device and save bandwidth and time to update.