IPad – I cannot edit Excel file in Excel for Ipad – Convert buttons does nothing

ipadms office

I have been trying to use a feature to open and edit Excel files from Dropbox app using Excel for iPad app.

I open the Excel file in this app, and I see a notice that I cannot edit the file but I have to convert it first

When I press Convert and Edit, nothing happens.

Does anyone have any idea why is nothing happenings and why I cannot edit Excel files?

PS. I opened .xslx file (office 2010)

Best Answer

As noted in the comments, editing is only allowed if one has a subscription to Office 365. As noted in this article Excel for iPad is free as a read-only client for Excel spreadsheets.

Alternatives to purchasing a subscription to Office 365 are available but each have their drawbacks. (Formula editing, format retention, etc.)

  • Google Sheets [App Store link] offers free editing of Excel files. See documentation for details.
  • Apple's own Numbers for iPad will open Excel files for editing but some of the functionality is limited.