IPad – How to recharge the ipad’s SIM card


I don't know how SIM cards work in your country, either you should charge (increasing its credit) it every time when its credit is finished Or its credit is unlimited .. anyway my SIM needs to be recharge after a while. Basically I do that like this via the mobile:

  • Recharging: *141*{16 digit code}*1#
  • Seeing the current credit: *141*1#

Based on this, that's depends on the sim provide. But actually apple devices are really rare in my country .. So my sim provider doesn't have much information about how to work with ipad.

All I need is to find a dialer keypad in the ipad.. is there any? If yes where exactly?

Noted that I'm using MTN Irancell SIM card. Well can please somebody tell me how can I both "see current credit" and "recharge it" of the SIM which is into the ipad?

Best Answer

I recharge via my online banking, if one of your banks can also offer this, then this would be ideal.