IPad – How to prevent the iPad 2 from playing music in the rucksack


I have an iPad 2. 

Sometimes, after I stow it away into my bag, it will start playing music (using the music app) at the most inappropriate times: during class, in meetings… This behaviour seems to be connected to the screen saver feature, but I can't seem to find a way to turn it off!

Is there a way to turn this off, or to at least make it respect the volume setting? The music is audible even with the iPad muted otherwise.

Or am I just too dumb to find the right setting? I'm not excluding that possibility.

Edit: I have a passcode set.

Best Answer


I found the reason, my own stupidity. :) I use a Bluetooth keyboard whose keys are extremely sensitive to pressure when it's stowed in the backpack. It usually goes to sleep when not used, but wakes up when you press a key. The "play" key on that keyboard was what made the iPad blare away.