IPad – How to have any privacy on the mini iPad


So my sister & her boyfriend are all into this hacking and spying and invading people's privacy and doing malicious things to the with what they gather. They have been doing it to me and trying to break up my long term relationship and have hacked into 2 of my mini iPads, an iPhone 4, quite a few windows phones as well as approx 5 androids and ruined all of them. I have a brand new mini iPad and android phone but don't want them in them messing them up too.

How do I keep them from hacking or viewing my iPad when I unbox it?

I know they use metasploit and nmaps to do their dirty work, although don't know what these things are or do. Also, we live together so we use same wifi connection. This has truly been a nightmare that has caused and they are causing detrimentally negative results. It has taken my life as I knew it and what I made of it and I trying to stop them from it, but they refuse.

So I'm hoping if I can somehow block all syncing with other devices, mirror images, keep them out of my iCloud account and maybe some security or something I can keep them out, but I know nothing about this stuff and need help.

Apple could only tell me to 2 step my iCloud account, which did no good considering they have access to my phone, all emails and my iPad. Thanks!

Best Answer

I'm sorry about what sounds like a very unfortunate situation. I would enable strong passcodes and use two step authentication. On your iPad, go to preferences and set up a strong alpha-numerical password (not a 4 digit pin) for your device in general. Since it is a new device, Touch ID should make that a minimal burden.

Next, go to https://appleid.apple.com, and enable two step authentication on your Apple ID.

Finally, as I'm sure would be obvious, don't share your passwords with them, and you could always enable Airplane mode every night to prevent them from having access to it over night via the wifi.

Regarding your android, I would hope there are similar steps but don't know.