IPad – How to download audio records from iPad/iPod/iPhone to computer/PC without iTunes

audiodata transferdesktopipadpc

I received iPad from a co-worker. I need to download audio records from dictaphone/recorder to my desktop/PC (not Mac).

I connected the iPad to my PC using USB cable. Through my PC I started browsing it. I cannot see audio files. I can see only DCIM folder and PNG and JPG pictures in it.

I tried to send them from iPad to my email. But these audio files as attachment are not sending. They are too big for sending via email.

I don't have iTunes on my PC. So I can't use it.

Question: how can I download audio records from the iPad?

Best Answer

Considering you talking about Windows when you say PC.

Windows itself can NOT access applications data folder, if you dont install any software on Windows you just can't access those files directly.

Maybe you can send them via e-mail, WhatsApp, (whatever, something via internet), but, it depends if your app has this feature. Built-in app recoder from iOS can do that.