IPad – How to convert video and audio files into iPod/iPad playable formats

file conversionipadswitchingvideo

I am quite a non-technical guy when it comes to such stuff and hence looking for "easy" solutions.

On Windows, I had used Red Kawa Videora to convert the various audio and video formats to iPod-playable formats. I think it also has a version which works on Mac.

I would like to know if there is other (possibly better and as much or more user-friendly) software which does the above job of converting various audio and video formats into what Apple products can play. (I guess what works on iPod also works on iPad.)

Best Answer

HandBrake used to be my go-to app for this task but lets face it: nightmare UI. Especially if you're a professed "non-technical guy".

The new wonder-in-a-box video convert is Smart Converter. Like HandBrake, it's free. Unlike HandBrake the UI is very non-threatening. Drop file, pick output format, go. Works for video and audio.