IPad – Does the iPad 2 HDMI out adapter work with the new iPad


I was at the Apple store yesterday and I wanted to purchase an HDMI out adapter for my new iPad. Oe of the employees said to wait becaus they're getting in newer ones for the new iPad, which should handle the retina display better.

Is it really true that the adapter an make a difference? Isn't HDMI going to be HDMI? Does the iPad 2 HDMI out adapter work with the new iPad?

Best Answer

Based on comments on the new adapter on Apple's online store, the iPad 2 HDMI adapter is not fully supported with the new iPad:

Is this a new HDMI AV Adapter ?

It is exactly a new product with the compatibility for the new iPad.

If you try to use the previous adapter on the new iPad it will tell you "This accessory is not supported"

My guess is that the new screen resolution of the new iPad has led to this incompatibility. Besides, with the old adapter the best you could get was 720p, with the new one it's boosted to 1080p.