IPad – Creating a simple magazine for school


We are an Apple school with Macs and iPads. I'd like us to start a magazine that's digitally distributed but Newsstand apps would be too complex (plus there's no revenue model) from what I have read on this site. On the other hand, the iPad app Creative Book Builder is too simple. Using web based applications like Glossi.com has limitations in Safari.

Ideally, I'd like to:

  • Work on iPads (in an app) OR Macs
  • Work collaboratively

Any suggestions? I don't mind if the collaborative element is restricted to that different students send me the different parts, but the compiling and distribution should lead to the magazine being readable on our iPads.
Any suggestions for an app or workflow? Thanks.

Best Answer

It seems to me that if your okay with the work being done on Macs, the starting point would be to check out Apple's own iBooks Author (free, app store). It has a variety of layout choices and distributes through the iBookstore (including at a price of free, if that's what you want). I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "there's no revenue model" but this sounds most promising to me.

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