IPad – Charger cable vs Lighting to USB Camera Adapter


My iPad came with the normal Lightning -> USB Type A Male charger cable.
I want to connect it to my Roland piano and the piano's manual mentions the need for a camera connection kit – so apparently I need this: http://store.apple.com/us/product/MD821ZM/A/lightning-to-usb-camera-adapter

Now these cables (charger and the above adapter) look very similar to me (both have USB Type A at one end, although one is male and the other is female).

Do they have different wiring/chips?

Best Answer

I use an apple camera connection kit adaptor to connect my iPad to both my RolandRD800 & Kurzweil Forte keyboards. My iPad runs the Unrealbook app which contains all my set lists & songs, and behind each song PDF is a midi HEX string which is sent to both keyboards automatically when I select a song, and this midi HEX string selects the correct patches on each keyboard I require to play the song.

Here is exactly how I set up my connections:

  • My iPad has the iPad camera connection adaptor plugged directly into it
  • Plugged into the other end of the iPad camera connection adaptor is a mini-USB 4 port HUB
  • Into the mini-USB hub I blug two standard printer cables (usb type 'a' to usb type 'b')
  • Then I plug the other ends 'usb type b' into the keyboards computer ports (one into the Roland and one into the Kurzweil)

There you go. All good. Works a treat. You should now be connected.

NOTE: Your iPad will not charge from your Roland. There is no voltage at the Roland computer port connection to provide a charge. Also the iPad camera connection adaptor is not configured to provide charge to your iPad. It is made purely to connect to a camera and transfer photos.