IPad – Can websites be locked down on the iPad


In our network, we use NetMotion to lock down laptops in the field so they can only access what we allow them to access (no ESPN, news, Google) in the truck. As we look at iPad 3Gs (and similar competitors), we want to be sure we keep the same tight control on what websites they visit (and have internal access to network resources at the same time). Is this possible?

VPN isn't really effective unless there is a way for it to be forced on at all times.

Best Answer

apple.com, ipad for business:


From disabling Safari completely (allowSafari=false) to functional options:

  • Enable autofill: When this option is off, Safari doesn’t remember what users enter in web forms.
  • Force Fraud warning: When this option is off, Safari doesn’t attempt to prevent the user from visiting websites identified as being fraudulent or compromised.
  • Enable JavaScript: When this option is off, Safari ignores all javascript on websites.
  • Block pop-ups: When this option is off, Safari’s pop-up blocking feature is disabled.
  • Accept cookies: Sets Safari’s cookie policy. Choose to accept all cookies, accept no cookies, or reject cookies from sites not directly accessed.

Thereby you can limit the iPad to only apps (and webapps) installed by you.