IPad – Apple wireless keyboard + iPad 4: can I map a key to the home button


I use the Apple wireless keyboard A1314 (newer model, using two AA batteries) with my iPad 4th (or is it 3.5th generator? whatever is the newest) generation. Is there a way to map one of the buttons to the home key? Is it possible to do this with a jailbroken iPad, if not a jail-unbroken iPad?

An earlier answer says it isn't possible, but refers to iPad 2, so I don't know if anything has changed in the 1.5+ years.

This is more than a minor annoyance with the otherwise great Incase Origami stand, because the home button is physically blocked with the iPad in portrait mode.

Best Answer

This is an old question, but for anyone else coming across it, the answer is Command-H is the shortcut to display the home screen.


  • Command H displays the home screen
  • Command-Tab shortcut displays the task switcher
  • Command-Space toggles the search bar