IOS – Xcode 6.4 sync to app store from new machine after old lost


About a year ago, I have developed an iOS app on a Mac machine and synced it to the app store.

That machine has lost, so I got a new one connected to my Apple developer id. I have recovered my work and changed a few things in the code.

But when I try to resync the app, I get the attached warning.

Error while sync to app store

From a quick search on Google I realized that I needed to export my developer profile from my previous machine and import it on the new machine.

Because I don't have access to that machine I need to somehow recreate the developer profile.

Any idea for how to do it?

Best Answer

You don't need the old developer profile any more because you don't want to concurrently develop on two machines. Therefore, you can revoke your certificate and generate a new one to install on this machine. Go to the Member Center → Certificates, click the + button and generate a new development certificate.