IOS: Where is /proc/


Where is /proc/ in iOS? Or rather, why is it absent from the root directory structure?
It's typically a crucial interface to the kernel of any UNIX-like operating system; what else is in place to assume this role?
FYI: Following is the main system information and root directory structure of the device in question.

iPhone:~ mobile$ uname -a                       
Darwin Kernel Version 14.0.0: 
Wed Jun 24 00:46:37 PDT 2015;
iPhone5,2 N42AP                                         

iPhone:~ mobile$ find / -maxdepth 1

Best Answer

/proc is a pseudo-structure which is available on a lot of Unix systems but not on any version of OS X/macOS or iOS.

Kernel internals accessible through /proc are usually accessible by other means (either with some Terminal command or involving some ObjC/Swift coding) on Apple's iOS/watchOS/tvOS/macOS family of OS that all basically run on top of Next and then Apple's evolution of the Mach microkernel which is the XNU kernel.