IOS – What screenshots are actually required for submission

ios-appstorescreen capture

I am confused. The apple guidelines say things like:

If your app indicates that it is optimized for the iPhone 6, at least one 4.7-inch screenshot is required. Up to four additional screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when you create or edit the iTunes Connect record.


If your app indicates that it is optimized for the iPhone 6 Plus, at
least one 5.5-inch screenshot is required. Up to four additional
screenshots can be uploaded. You can rearrange the screenshots when
you create or edit the iTunes Connect record.

I am about to submit an iPhone game, in my .xcodeproj file I have Devices set to iPhone, so it is supposed to run on iPhone, and iPad in compatibility mode.

What does "optimized for" mean? Where do I set what my game is optimized for? Do I need to provide iPhone 6 and 6 Plus screenshots?

What about iPad screenshots? The compatibility mode screenshots don't look great.

Best Answer

When you optimized you app to iPhone 6 and 6 Plus you have to add new image and icon sizes in your assets. If you select Images.xcassets in your project and then select your AppIcon and hit ++0 you must see something like that:

enter image description here

If you have selected iOS 8.0 and Later Sized you will have to provide screenshots for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, in other case, it won't be necessary.