IOS – What causes the iTunes password to expire


A couple of months ago, after updating my iPad I think, my iTunes password expired all of a sudden. I've had this iTunes account for about 4 year now and back then it was first time it happened.

Fast forward to today when I got my 4S. I choose to set it up as a new phone (as in: no restore from previous backups) and when I tried logging in with my iTunes account, it didn't work (wrong password).

So I headed over to on my mac, where I was again prompted with the message that my password was expired.

Since there doesn't appear to be a set time between the 2 events, nor was there any inactivity, I'm wondering what causes the expiration.

Any ideas?

Best Answer

It appears that the login gets blocked after the wrong password is entered too often (see TS2446). Maybe somebody else has a AppleID similar to yours (or you fell victim to a DOS attack).