IOS – Were there changes to AppStore ‘password caching’ in iOS 7


Ever since I updated my iPad mini to iOS 7, my son (4 y.o.) has been making sneaky in-app purchases. What's worse is he knows how he's doing it, but won't spill the beans when I ask him how. Whatever his 'trick' is, it doesn't seem to work on our other iPad, which has not been updated to iOS 7.

I think I figured it out last night. After I input my password to install a (free) application, it seems he can hop in to an app and make a purchase using the 'cached' password. In the past I thought the password would be requested again for in-app purchases.

Have there been any changes to AppStore passwords in iOS 7, specifically the length of time before the password will be asked for again, or a change that allows in-app purchases during the 'caching' period? Or is this simply a change in his behavior?

I've disabled in-app purchases now. Slightly annoying but it does solve the problem.

Best Answer

You can leave in-app purchases on if you wish.

Once you have enabled Restrictions then at the bottom of the second section, Allowed Content you will see Require Password and underneath they even have a little prompt Require password for purchases.

Change this from the default of 15 minutes to Immediately and your problem is fixed.