IOS – web inspector available on iOS


To be abundantly clear, I'm looking for a web inspector (like Chrome's) that I can use on an iOS device like an iPad to debug web pages without a computer.

I'm aware that you can connect your phone to your laptop and do remote debugging, but that's not what I'm asking about.

Background: I'm a web programmer thinking of ditching my MacBook Pro for the new iPad Pro. I have my full dev environment setup on Nitrous, and I have a multitude of possible replacements for Sketch (like iDraw, though I've been bugging the Sketch team non-stop to announce an iOS version, as I would love to stay with Sketch if at all possible). The only thing I'm missing is a web inspector to use on the iPad itself to debug CSS & JS.

So, are there any such solutions out there for debugging web pages on iOS without a computer?

Best Answer

I found this app, but not sure how extensive is it compared to a traditional web inspector

Ergo Web Tools by James Finley

Let me know if you've found an alternative or something