YouTube – Set Third Party YouTube App as Default on iOS 5.1.1


Is there any way to set up third party youtube app as default on iOS 5.1.1 (iPad1,1) i.e. ProTube?

I've heard about TubeSelector, but it's only available for higher iOS versions.

(By "Default" I mean ability to open youtube URLs from mail or from sites.)

N.B. The reason is: native by Apple is not supported by youtube servers anymore. And it recommends to upgrade (what is impossible – as far as iOS 5.1.1 is the latest OS for iPad1).

Best Answer

Just install any good third party youtube app from the app store, like Jasmine or Youtube Pro etc... Or since your iPad is jailbroken install a tweak called: older version of the app (if you can't find it on cidya try google), and find a version of official youtube app by google that supports ios 5.x.x