IOS – the workflow between iWork apps with iCloud


I have Numbers and Pages for iOS and the Mac. With iOS 5, I can create documents and spreadsheets in iCloud. How can I access those same iCloud documents in the Mac versions? Even better yet, if I want to create a document in the Mac version, how can I save it in iCloud to begin with?

I have upgraded to the latest OS X Lion version (10.7.2) and while I see the new iCloud preference pane un System Preferences and I have enabled Documents In The Cloud, I cannot see to find their counterparts in the Mac iWork apps. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

Best Answer

iWork for Mac, at the time of writing of this post, has not been updated to work with iCloud.
Last version on the App Store came out in July, 20th, and does not have iCloud integration.

Meanwhile, you can upload and download documents from this page, which is a web interface to iCloud. The process is described in this guide.

iCloud web interface