IOS – Tap to tweet/tap to post is at the bottom of the notification center


On iOS 6 on my iPhone the tap to tweet/tap to post buttons are located on the bottom of the notification center causing me to either have to scroll down or clear some messages before I can see them.

On my iPad it is on the top, which makes me think that is where it should also be on my iPhone. Is this normal expected behavior or has something gone wrong with my phone?

Any possible fixes would be appreciated.

Best Answer

In the Notifications section of the Settings app, you can tap the Edit button in the upper right to make handles appear (three thick horizontal lines) on each of the items in Notification Center.

enter image description here enter image description here

You can drag the items up or down by these handles to re-order them, so just drag the Share Widget item to the top, if that's where you want it, then tap done.