IOS – Suspicious new and plastic wrap sealed iPhone SE came with iOS 12.1


After openening a new and sealed iPhone SE (bought personally from the store of a major UK chain retailer) and setting it up I was worried to find it had iOS 12.1 installed.

I thought surely this can’t be possible.

Surely it shipped with an older iOS in the first place. iOS 10 or iOS 11.

Especially since the serial number claims the device was manufactured in late May 2018. With iOS 12 being launched in September and iOS 12.1 being launched in late October – does this suggest the phone (which was sealed in plastic shrink wrap and sold as “new”), from a reputable UK wide chain retailer, has been pre-owned or tampered with in some way?

How else could it come to have iOS 12.1 on it?

Should I be worried.

Best Answer

It is not uncommon for sellers and manufacturers to open "sealed" products, update them, charge the battery, etc. and reseal them to sell as new.

In the US, it's perfectly legal to resell a previously opened product (and not as refurbished) provided that the process is conspicuous and documented. It's likely the UK has a similar law.

There are steps you can take even if you have questions about the legitimacy of the product you purchase. However, my best advice is that if you feel that packaging is suspicious, trust your instincts. Return the product for replacement or refund. That type of concern with always linger regardless of whether or not it's unfounded.