IOS – Suggest a Mac Notifications app with cloud sync to an accompanying iPhone app

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I'm looking for an app in which I can write down a quick message for myself on the Mac that can later pop up on my iPhone and remind me via a push notification.

I'm not looking for a full-featured task manager. I know I could do this with iCal, but it's overkill for what I'm looking for. iCal is closer in nature to full featured task management apps than I'd like.

I know about two options that fit quite precisely what I'm after:

    This looks solid. And pretty. Maybe I'm expecting too much, but the fact that the last update to the app occurred June 23rd 2011 gives me pause. It's almost September. Then again, if the app works and is mature, that's not important. But that is rarely the case.
    The Mac App only has a single review in the Swiss App Store, and it's one star. User says the UI for entering new notifications is terrible. That it's so bad he's actually faster doing it on the iPhone, defeating the whole purpose of a Mac client. Can anyone tell me more on this? Or let me know what the reviews in the US look like? iPhone app reviews are also pretty mixed with an average of 3.5 stars out of 29 reviews.

    I'm not sure what's up here, but this doesn't even show up when I search for it on And even if it did, neither the Mac nor the iPhone app seem to be available outside the US App Store. iTunes and the Mac App Store give me the "change store" message. So no go on this one's out. (I'm in Switzerland, btw).

Can anyone suggest other options? It seems strange to me that there is no definitive answer to a problem that I presume must be a fairly common one.

Best Answer

As of OS X Mountain Lion (coming in Summer 2012), Reminders will have an iCloud-syncing desktop equivalent.

Since Reminders is integrated with Notifications in iOS, and the desktop edition presumably will work with desktop notifications as well, this should be a good, out-of-the-box way to meet your (simple) stated needs.