IOS simulator screen size not equal to window size


I have a strange issue with my iOS simulator. It does not fit my Simulator Windows size. This is not a real problem, but the thing is that I cannot make screenshots anymore, when I save a screenshot, it saves the entire simulator window, not only the iOS screen.

How can I fix this problem?

The strange thing is that was working a few hours ago, even if the iOS screen was smaller, when I saved a screenshot, it saved at full resolution.

I will attack an image of the simulator Window. Window scale is 100%. If I change it, also the iOS inside will change too, but never goes full screen.

iOS simulator

Best Answer

Now It's more flexible with Xcode 9- Simulator. You can pick & drag any corner of simulator to resize it and set it according to your requirement.

Look at this snapshot:

enter image description here

Note: With Xcode 9.1, Simulator scale options are changed.

There are several other ways also, to scale your simulator.

Keyboard short-keys:
According to Xcode 9.1

Physical Size       ⌘ 1      command + 1
Pixel Accurate      ⌘ 2      command + 2

According to Xcode 9

50% Scale           ⌘ 1      command + 1
100% Scale          ⌘ 2      command + 2
200% Scale          ⌘ 3      command + 3

Simulator scale options Menu:
Xcode 9.1

Menubar >> Window >> "Here available options for simulator scaling" (Physical Size & Pixel Accurate)

enter image description here

Xcode 9.0

Menubar >> Window >> Scale >> "Here available options for simulator scaling"

enter image description here

Using Terminal Command
Follow these steps to scale simulator using terminal commands

  1. Close/Quit simulator. (if open)
  2. Open Terminal app (using Spotlight search, Press ⌘ + SPACE to open spotlight search)
  3. Copy following text and paste it next to terminal cursor.

defaults write ~/Library/Preferences/ SimulatorWindowLastScale "0.3"

  1. Open 'Simulator' (Run your iOS project using Xcode).

You will find simulator scale update.