IOS – Samsung Galaxy 6 sets off Apple Pay on iPhone 6


I have to carry two phones – one Samsung Galaxy 6 and one iPhone 6. Unfortunately, something in the Galaxy sets off the Apple Pay on the iPhone when they're in the same pocket, and it constantly shows the credit card. Normally I wouldn't care, but this accelerates battery drain as the screen is on far more often.

Is there some software way to address this in either device?

Best Answer

Apple Pay works with NFC "Near Field Communication" band at 13.56 Mhz (but in low energy) means it has to be very close to the source to work).

You iPhone gets a interference signal (not intended) from Samsung and it thinks it is near a payment machine and it activates.

Since it is a interference, there is no software that can fix that, it is a hardware issue (shielding). (BT and WiFi) or keep them apart.

So your choices are, turn off the Apple Pay, turn off the Samsung payment feature, or keep them apart.

Edit: upon closer exam of the "Samsung Galaxy s6" model it shows to have the NFC capability, that would also explain the interference. (and you may be able to solve the problem by turning the Samsung's payment feature off.)