IOS – Requirements for App Store Review Video



When submitting an (iOS) application for review which has functionality depending on a specific hardware, Apple asks for a Video, demonstrating the feature(s).

If we’re not able to access part of your app because it’s geo-locked or otherwise restricted, provide a link to a video of the functionality


The Question:

Are there any requirements or restrictions on this video?

(Examples: Can it be edited or should it be continuous? Can it be uploaded to a video sharing site or otherwise where should it be hosted? etc.).

Best Answer

You can host it on a site like Vimeo or YouTube. Set the video unlisted and send Apple the private URL.

You can do do some editing to clarify upfront what will be shown next. Please include all necessary steps to use your app.

Shorten a process in post if it takes very long. Indicate that and by how much it was shortened.

Good luck with your app!