IOS – Password managers for iOS


With the whole Heartbleed mess, I figured it was about time to start using a password manager. After doing some research, here is the list of things that I want and don't want in this kind of software:

I want:

  • Open source, or at least with source code available, so that people can check for themselves for security holes (though Heartbleed
    happened in another piece of open source code, so who knows now…).
  • Iphone support. My phone is the one thing I always carry with me, no matter what desktop computer I'm using.

What I DON'T need:

  • Dropbox syncing. I don't want my passwords to be on any cloud, thanks.
  • Form autocomplete. I can type my own passwords, thanks.

After searching for a bit, it looks like miniKeePass is the software that fits my needs best. Can anyone comment on its security track record, or suggest alternatives?


Best Answer

I have used both KeePass and MiniKeePass in the past and can confirm that they are great and work perfectly — they work very simply but excel at what they do: simple password management. They seem great for your needs.