IOS – obtain the web browsing history from the in-app browsers on iOS and iPadOS


Every week or two, time permitting, I recap my web browsing history. It provides insight into my thought processes, aids my memory and encourages some continuity of purpose. But I'm unaware of any detailed history log generated by browsing pages in in-app browsers. Currently I work around this by opening in-app browser pages in Safari so that they are logged, but in practice I often forget to do so.

My SOHO router doesn't allow HTTP logging.

Is there a way to obtain in-app browser history? And would router logging be a reliable method if available?

Best Answer

There is currently (as of iOS 14) no way to view browser history if it's done within an app. Developers use Apple's SFSafariViewController class and it doesn't expose this option to developers.

In addition to not being able to view history, in-app browsers can't provide access to autofill data or website data.