IOS – ny way to reduce an app’s usage of storage space on iOS 5


Is there any way to get any iOS app to clean up its cache etc? I heard there's a new 'cleaning' feature in iOS 5 where apps do that automatically. But I haven't seen any of my apps do that. I really need Facebook to clean itself up because it's taking up a lot of space. Is there any way to initiate an app clean up?

When I go to Settings > General > Usage, Facebook is listed as using 182 MB even though the app itself is only 10 MB.

Best Answer

I believe there is no way for a end-user to do this. All iOS apps will have Application_Home/Documents, Application_Home/Library, Application_Cache folders. All the files stored in these folders should be managed by application itself. So, it's true that you can't do this without jail breaking.