IOS – ny way to detect suddenly closed tabs and restore them on iOS Safari


Today I found out that many of opened tabs on my iPad Safari are gone. Yesterday there were 50+ tabs on Safari but for some reasons now it is 14.

It is very frustrating so I tried to restore the data from my yesterday’s backup, but found that on iOS I can only backup from the most recent backup, which happened in the morning.

So I could not restore the backup from yesterday’s, but now I don’t know there is any way to restore the opened tabs, or at least detect which pages they are in order to manually open them again one by one. Is there any way to restore them?

Best Answer

Depending on how long ago they were closed, you might be able to see them in a list an open them (one by one).

enter image description here

  1. Tap the lower right button to view the list of tabs open.
  2. Tap and hold the plus button to show recently closed tabs.

This does not work for private tabs.