IOS – Logitech keyboard case and iOS 6


I have this keyboard case for my 'new iPad' (which I had originally bought for an iPad 2):

(In fact, this was me: Will the Logitech Bluetooth Keyboard Case "for ipad2" work with the new ipad? )

Before I upgraded to iOS6, when I hit the "square" button on the keyboard (the same button as the single button on the front of the iPad), if the screen was off, it would bypass the lockscreen and take me straight to the homescreen (or whatever app had been running when the screen went to sleep).

After upgrading to iOS6, when I hit this button when the iPad screen is off, it dumps me at the lockscreen instead, where I have to "slide to unlock" to continue.

Is there any way to restore the previous functionality?

Best Answer

I just wanted to take the opportunity to answer my own question with a (slightly overdue) update. After I upgraded to iOS 7, the behavior is actually a combination of the above. Now, hitting any key, including the square key, goes to the unlocked state.
So that's nice and corrected now...