IOS – iTunes Match: download on mobile device


I am considering buying and using iTunes Match. Is it possible to configure which songs will be available as a cached download on my mobile devices? It so, how? As a smart playlist or via "download me" clicks on the songs?

I use my iPhone to play songs while I commute and I do not want to waste gigabytes of mobile traffic on streaming songs.

Best Answer

One tap on a download icon will download an entire playlist of songs onto the local storage of the device. It doesn't matter if the playlist is a normal one or a smart playlist or a genius mix that you assemble on the go. You can also download albums, individual songs, everything by one artist, etc...

Furthermore, You can easily toggle between showing all songs and just the downloaded songs to check before a trip if you want to grab more songs for offline play. The toggle is also nice when you want cellular data on, but want to avoid accidentally streaming more music from the cloud.

I see no reason why worrying about data caps or cost would hold you back from getting match.